(Gorizia 16.1.1895 – 8.6.1974)
Italian violinist, professor of music, orchestra conductor.
His family was from Gorizia and had ancient music traditions: his father was a good clarinet-player, his maternal grand-father, Antonio Pelizon, was a famous violinmaker, who followed the technique of Amati’s school.
Rodolfo Lipizer graduated from the Conservatory “G. Verdi” in Milan, and went on to study at Vienna Musical Academy of State with M° Gottfried Feist, obtaining the best marks. At Vienna
Academy he also studied composition with Prof. Mandyczewski and Marx as well as orchestra conducting with Prof. Franz Schalk; at the same time he attended the Faculty of Philosophy at Vienna University.
He started his violin career since very young as soloist as well as chamber music formations. In 1927 he won the competition to become permanent conductor of Abbazia Symphony Orchestra.
Between 1930 and 1961 he was the Director of Gorizia town School of Music and the founder of Gorizia Symphony Orchestra which he conducted with the cooperation of famous soloists of the time as Pina Carmirelli, Gioconda De Vito, Carlo Vidusso, Aldo Priano, Nino Rossi, Jan Kubelik, Marcel Tyberg, Ornella Orlandini, Alessandro Costantinides, Giannino Carpi, Silvano Massoni and many others.
For thirteen years (until he died) be was the President of the “C.A. Seghizzi” International Choir Singing Competition as well as of other competitions. He was also the trustee of the
National Music Trust and of the Academy of present-day Music.
He particularly devoted himself to teaching and didactics trying to find out helpful and more modern solutions to the various technical problems of violin music.
To his artistic training deriving from the Italian-Viennese schools, he was able to add his own creative nature experience.
Thanks to all that he was able to compose main violin works, even grater than those of the school leaders O. Šev
ík and C. Flesch.

“The higher technique of the violin” (Ed. Ricordi ER 2602)
“The art and the technique of vibrato on the violin and viola”
“The vibrato technique on double stops”
“Studies on the basic violin techniques”
“Various technical studies: thirds, fourths, sixths, octaves and changes of position”
“Revision of the J.S. Bach Sonatas and Partitas for unaccompanied violin”
“Villotas friulian”
Die Geigen- und Lautenmacher by Willibald Leo Freiherrn von LÜTGENDORFF, Ed. von Heinrich Keller, Frankfurt am Main 1904.
L’Insegnamento Musicale a Gorizia e l’Istituto Comunale di Musica, Municipio di Gorizia, Stab. Tip. Giovanni PATERNOLLI, Gorizia 1931.
Professionisti ed Artisti del Friuli–Venezia Giulia, by E. D’AGOSTINO, Editoriale F.I.T.-Torino 1935.
Vecchia Liuteria Goriziana, by Ranieri Mario COSSÀR, edited by Istituto per il Promovimento delle Industrie e dell’Artigianato in Gorizia 1939.
Istituto Comunale di Musica, Relazione del primo decennio di attività e cronache delle musiche sinfoniche eseguite a Gorizia dal 1924 al 1940, by Carlo Luigi BOZZI, Stab. Tip. Giovanni PATERNOLLI, Gorizia 1940.
De Anna Plinio,
Analisi e guida allo studio della 2. parte della Tecnica superiore del violino di Rodolfo Lipizer (secondo i criteri illustrati dall’autore stesso
), Stab.Tip .L.Lucchesi, Gorizia, 1941
Enciclopedia della Musica e dei Musicisti, Ed. Musicale Giuliana, Trieste.
Violinpädagogik in Utopia by Alfred Freiherr von HORN, Würzburg 1974.
Enciclopedia Monografica del Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Arti Grafiche Friulane, Udine 1980.
Tips für Geiger by Alfred Freiherr von HORN, Würzburg 1981.
Primorski Slovenski Biografski Leksikon edited by Martin Jevnikar, Goriška Mohorjeva Druba, Gorizia 1983.
Ergänzungsblätter zu Tips für Geiger by Alfred Freiherr von HORN, Würzburg 1984.
DEUMM – Dizionario Enciclopedico Universale della Musica e dei Musicisti, Casa Editrice UTET, Torino 1986.
International violin Meetings (1983,1984,1985,1986,1987), minutes edited by Gianni DRASCEK, Gioiosa Editrice, Sannicandro Garganico 1991.
International violin Meetings (1988,1989,1990), minutes edited by Gianni DRASCEK, Santabarbara Editore, Bellona 1994.
Threeyearly International Lutery Meeting (1984-1987-1990), minutes edited by Gianni DRASCEK, Santabarbara Editore, Bellona 1994.
Rodolfo Lipizer. Testimonianze edited by Elena LIPIZER, Edizioni della Laguna, Monfalcone 1996.
Rodolfo Lipizer by Paolo BOZZI, Edizioni Studio Tesi, Pordenone 1997, preface by Alessandro ARBO.
CONVEGNI INTERNAZIONALI SUL VIOLINO 1991-1992, Atti, a cura di GIANNI DRASCEK – consulenza musicale di ELENA LIPIZER, Santabarbara Editore, Bellona, 2001.
Gallarotti Antonella,
Personaggi del Millennio
, Ed. La Laguna, Monfalcone, 2002
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